First Unitarian Newcomer Welcome

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Do I have to fill out everything? Nope! Only name and contact info required (so we can get back to you). Share only what you wish.

Did this work?
 When you successfully hit submit, a confirmation will show on screen and you will receive an emailed autoreply (if you provide an email).

If you have provided us info previously and you submit something new, we will update to whatever you share on this form. If you have previously provided info that hasn't changed, you don't have to share it again.
Contact Info

Please select one option.
Your address helps us connect you with your neighbours
Please select one option.

Please select one option.
Could be any church event in person or online. Take your best guess about timing if you aren't sure.
Please select one option.
Your preferences for frequency and topics of info emails from us. Unsubscribe at any time.

We will assume if you skip this section and are already subscribed that you wish to remain subscribed.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Health, Inclusion & Experience

I have a health or other challenges that I want us to be aware of (please explain or leave blank)
Please consider sharing any of your needs to better allow us to be inclusive and accessible.

Check all that apply
Please select all that apply.
Please tell us about any UU (Unitarian Universalist) or other faith experience here or elsewhere that you wish to share (such as religions, denominations, names of previous faith communities, types of involvement, age you started participating), positive and negative experiences and associations with spirituality, religion and/or faith

Please select all that apply.
It is ideal to receive one record for each adult. If they have not already done so, please encourage any individuals you listed to also complete the quick and simple connect form.

If you provide contact info for any individual(s) above, we will email, text or call them sharing that you thought they were interested in being involved and confirming whether they want more info from us.
Children & Youth

If any minors under 19 have attended with you, or may attend with you in the future, please complete all info below. You do not have to be their parent or guardian or family member for them to attend with you.
Please select one option.

do not fill out this last field please :)


Please fill out this form and click submit.